Round Bar

Round Bar

Round bar is a popular type of round bar made from mild steel, which is a low-carbon steel material. They are widely used in construction, manufacturing, and engineering applications due to their affordability, versatility, and ease of machining.

Round bar is primarily composed of iron and a low percentage of carbon, typically ranging from 0.05% to 0.25%. The low carbon content gives mild steel its malleability, ductility, and relatively low strength compared to other types of steel.

Round bar is known for their excellent machinability. They can be easily cut, drilled, turned, and welded, making them suitable for various fabrication processes and machine shop applications.

Production Unit

To get the right profile, round bars need to be rolled. The hot rolling process, which follows a period of continuous heating, is responsible for giving the raw steel its final form. In order to get the proper results, a bending operation is required since the flat surface of the steel bar reduces adhesion between the bar and the concrete. Our production unit produces xxxxx tonnes per year.

Supply Unit

Multiple tests are performed to ensure the strength, corrosion resistance, ductility, and polish of mild steel round bars. In addition, we provide these Mild Steel Round Bars, which are designed to look good, to customers at competitive costs.

Common Industry Applications

Common applications include:




Beam & Column Stirrups






Threading Bars



Escalators & Elevators


Threading Bars



Escalators & Elevators


Beam & Column Stirrups

MS Round Bar

MS round bars, also known as Mild Steel round bars, are essential components in various industries and construction projects. At YAxis, we specialize in providing high-quality MS round bars that offer exceptional strength, versatility, and reliable performance for a wide range of applications.

Strength and DurabilityVersatile Applications



Sizes in mm Average KG/MTR Weight KG/FT
10 mm 0.620 0.791
12 mm 0.900 0.300
14 mm 1.200 0.400
16 mm 1.600 0.500
18 mm 2.000 0.600
20 mm 2.500 0.800